Reprints a statement by President Woodrow Wilson in support of woman suffrage in New Jersey as a states' rights issue and not a federal issue. The flier demonstrates the way the initiative will appear on the ballot along with information on New…
The broadside, published by the Men's Anti-Ratification League of Montgomery, Alabama contains excerpts from "The Negro and the New Social Order," published in The Messenger, a magazine founded in 1917 by A. Phillip Randolph and Chandler Owen as the…
Promotional flier published by the National American Woman Suffrage Association Literature Committee, meant to for states where women were not permitted to vote. The flier encourages people to sign the peition for the federal suffrage amendment.
Leaflet containing quotes by prominent Catholic clergy to demonostrate Catholic support for woman's suffrage. The PWSA published this leaflet as a part of their lobbying campaign for an upcoming suffrage referendum in 1915. The referendum did not…