Campaign literature distributed by the Woman's Department of the Republican National Committee during the 1912 presidential election. The flier urged African Americans to vote for incumbent President Taft over former President Theodore Roosevelt or…
Reprint of an article from the Chicago Chronicle with endorsements of Mrs. W. Winslow (Elizabeth) Crannell's address delivered the day before to the Committee on Resolutions at the Democractic National Convention, held in Chicago.
Address delivered by Mrs. W. Winslow Crannell, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Women's Anti-Suffrage Association of the Third Judicial District of the State of New York, in opposition to women's suffrage.
Reprints the pro-suffrage platform adopted by each of Pennsylvania's state political parties, including Democratic, Prohibition, Republican, Socialist, and Washington.
Pennsylvania voters rejected the 1915 referendum to grant women of the state…
Advertisement in Woman's Home Companion magazine by the Democratic Party, encouraging women to vote the Democratic ticket for President, John W. Davis and Charles W. Bryan.
Letter sent by the state chairman to instruct all Democratic district, county and municipal chairman to select, nominate, and have appointed a Democratic woman for each election precinct clerk to receive, count, and canvass women's votes regardless…