Flier published by the Empire State Campaign Committee in advance of the 1915 election in New York contains statistics and arguments about women's suffrage, including the number of women who want the right to vote, the number of women already able to…
Campaign literature distributed by the Woman's Department of the Republican National Committee during the 1912 presidential election. The flier urged African Americans to vote for incumbent President Taft over former President Theodore Roosevelt or…
Reprints a statement by President Woodrow Wilson in support of woman suffrage in New Jersey as a states' rights issue and not a federal issue. The flier demonstrates the way the initiative will appear on the ballot along with information on New…
Provides a photographic account of the National Woman's Party militant fight for woman's rights, including picketing the White House, arrests, imprisonment, hunger strikes, and burning President Wilson's speeches.
This leaflet quotes Wilson on five occasions endorsing suffrage for women, and encourages peopole to work for and vote for the New York Woman Suffrage Amendment on November 6, 1917.
Bimonthly newsletter published by the Ohio Woman Suffrage Association. This issue celebrates the recent passage of suffrage in Lakewood, Ohio and in New York; announces appointments of women to school boards in Ohio; and reports on the National…
Article about demonstration by the National Woman's Party outside of the New York Metropolitan Opera House where President Woodrow Wilson was speaking. Suffragists were attacked by police, soldiers, and onlookers; six women were arrested and later…
News article about the conclusion of the 45th annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and those members left in Washington, D.C. to continue the work toward a federal consititutional amendment.