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  • Tags: New Jersey

Appeals to businessmen by making the argument that voting for the woman suffrage amendment is logical and "good business."

The presence of the imprint of the National Woman Suffrage Publishing Company indicates that the National American Woman…

POST-1915-08 Vote Yes NJ NY MA PA.jpg
Yellow, black and white poster stamp with an illustration of a town crier ringing a bell and shouting "Vote Yes for Woman Suffrage."

POST-1913-20 Votes for New Jersey Women Stamp.jpg
Black on yellow postage stamp, created by the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association.

POST-1913-09 Ottenheimer Suffrage Parade Series1.jpg
Photographic postcard of the suffrage parade held in Washington, D.C. the day before President Woodrow Wilson's inauguration.

On the verso, the card is addressed to Mrs. Barkers 152 Union St. Jersey City, New Jersey, and postmarked June 6, 1913.…

POST-1914-18 What the Vote Has Done.jpg
This card features a full color illustration of a young girl and boy. The boy is seated, with his legs crossed, smiling. The girl is carrying two buckets, walking toward him.

The card is addressed to Miss Edith [Becheal?] 833 Broadway Beth. Pa.,…

Reprint of an article from the Chicago Chronicle with endorsements of Mrs. W. Winslow (Elizabeth) Crannell's address delivered the day before to the Committee on Resolutions at the Democractic National Convention, held in Chicago.

The article was…

Campaign flier against reelecting President Woodrow Wilson, issued by the National Woman's Party.

In 1916, the National Woman's Party chose to oppose all Democratic congressional candidates on the policy of "holding the party in power responsible"…

Reprints a statement by President Woodrow Wilson in support of woman suffrage in New Jersey as a states' rights issue and not a federal issue. The flier demonstrates the way the initiative will appear on the ballot along with information on New…

Color flier speaks directly to the men of Massachusetts and argues that Massachusetts women should have the same right to vote for President as the women in the twelve states that granted women suffrage. Small map along the top indicates the states…

List issued by the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association to demonstrate existing support for the woman suffrage amendment to be voted on in the upcoming election on October 19, 1915. The list included Thomas Edison, John Cotton Dana, several…
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