Illustration by Ellison Hoover, appeared on page 707 of Life Magazine, entitled "Some (as yet) untried ways of winning the vote." Features five vignettes of women using militant tactics to persuade men, including violence, hitting a man in the face…
Hand colored engraving by Howard Pyle, appeared on page 724 of Harper's Weekly, entitled "Women at the Polls in New Jersey in the Good Old Times." The illustration shows women casting votes at a municipal election, referring back to the period from…
Photograph of the Board of the Michigan Equal Suffrage Association :
Mrs. Orton H. Clark, Kalamazoo, President
Dr. Blanche M. Haines, Three Rivers, First Vice President
Miss Harriet Comstock, Alpena, Third Vice President
Mrs. John C. Brander,…
News article about a meeting of the Bull Moose party held at the National Guard armory in Bay City, Michigan. Massachusetts suffragist and Progressive Party organizer, Alice Carpenter, addressed the issue of woman's suffrage during the meeting.
Account of a speech given by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, held at the National Guard armory in Bay City, Michigan.
Brief article about an upcoming speech by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, to be held at the National Guard armory. The article includes a photograph of Shaw.
The first is an account of the House Committee on Rules session where Harriet Taylor Upton, president of the Ohio Woman Suffrage Association, appeared to refute anti-suffragist remarks.
This article, most likely from The Bay City Times in Michigan, makes reference to early calls for suffrage in Detroit, Michigan. The author mentions famed orator, Anna Dickinson and a debate on the subject of "Equal Suffrage" by the Adelphi Society.
The author discusses the woman suffrage amendment to be included in that day's election asks the question: "If woman is granted the franchise, what will she do with it?"
Woman suffrage was defeated in Michigan in that election. Michigan women were…