Reprint of an address given several times by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, and received by the League to Enforce Peace the day before her death in 1919. It was subsequently published as a memorial to Shaw and includes her appeal for support of the League of…
Leaflet announcing the National American Woman Suffrage Association conference to be held at the Y.M.C.A. Hall in Baltimore, Maryland, with Susan B. Anthony, presiding. The leaflet includes ticket information for the night sessions, the names of…
Leaflet appeals for contributions to establish an official memorial to Dr. Anna Howard Shaw at Bryn Mawr College, a Foundation in Politics; and at the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, a Foundation in Preventive Medicine. The resolution to…
Account of a speech given by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, held at the National Guard armory in Bay City, Michigan.
Brief article about an upcoming speech by Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, to be held at the National Guard armory. The article includes a photograph of Shaw.
Brief update on the progress of "General" Rosalie Jones and her "army" of suffrage hikers from Manhattan to Albany, New York to present suffrage petitions to Governor-Elect William Sulzer and draw publicity to the cause.
Postcard included with the Ryte-Me Calendar enabling the recipient to gift the calendar. The card contains a "Season's Greetings" message and the reverse is an advertisement for the Ryte-Me Calendar line.
Advertising postcard included in the Ryte-Me calendar with a note from Ralph William Smiley, the creator of the Ryte-Me calendar line, requesting calendar ideas for the upcoming year.