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  • Tags: American flag

Red, white, and blue American flag in enamel on bronze pin. The flag has only nine stars.

There is no manufacturer information on the pin.

POST-1910-24 Corgill Series for the NAWSA Abraham Lincoln.jpg
This card, Number 129, is part of a set of 30 postcards, each containing a message, or aphorism, about suffrage. The cards were created by commercial publishing company, The Cargill Company, and were "endorsed and approved by the National American…

POST-1910-23 Corgill Series for the NAWSA Equal Suffrage States.jpg
This card, Number 123, is part of a set of 30 postcards, each containing a message, or aphorism, about suffrage. The cards were created by commercial publishing company, The Cargill Company, and were "endorsed and approved by the National American…

PERI-1917-02 Life Untried Ways of Winning.JPG
Illustration by Ellison Hoover, appeared on page 707 of Life Magazine, entitled "Some (as yet) untried ways of winning the vote." Features five vignettes of women using militant tactics to persuade men, including violence, hitting a man in the face…

Celluloid button with a picture of the Liberty Bell at the center and the words "Liberty Justice 1776-1915." Hanging from the pin are a gold ribbon with the slogan "Votes for Women" printed in black and a small American flag.

This piece was…

Red, white and blue button in the shape of the U.S. shield. Along the top, the button is blue with 13 stars, and along the bottom half, are red and white vertical stripes and "Votes for Women" printed in black text. The stars may represent the…
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