Part of a six-card series of Railway cards entitled, "The Sorrows of Southwold." This card features a suffragette hiding in the branches of a tree, lobbing a bomb at the engine.
In 1918, when universal suffrage was introduced, the suffragette and…
Commercial photo postcard published as part of a series entitled the "Dainty Series." The photo postcards feature studio portraits of the same young girl representing a militant suffragette in various scenarios.
Commercial photo postcard published as part of a series entitled the "Dainty Series." The photo postcards feature studio portraits of the same young girl representing a militant suffragette in various scenarios.
Commercial photo postcard published as part of a series entitled the "Dainty Series." The photo postcards feature studio portraits of the same young girl representing a militant suffragette in various scenarios.
This card features a full color illustration of a group of girls marching with signs that read: "No more school for us!" "Hubbies to be home by 8 p.m." and "More kandy more jam."
Illustration by Ellison Hoover, appeared on page 707 of Life Magazine, entitled "Some (as yet) untried ways of winning the vote." Features five vignettes of women using militant tactics to persuade men, including violence, hitting a man in the face…
News article about a suffrage demonstration held in London only a few days after 142 women were arrested for smashing shop windows in London's West End. The article discusses the demonstration and the arrest of 50 women, and also the separate raids…
News article details the sentencing of Emmeline Pankhurst, Mabel Tuke, and Kitty Marshall for smashing two of the windows of the Prime Minister's residence. While Scotland Yard was preparing for a suffrage demonstration scheduled for the following…
Account of rioting by suffragists in England, where women stormed the home of Prime Minister Asquith, smashed windows in the homes of members of Parliament, and attacked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Augustine Birrell. 156 women were reportedly…