This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a young girl standing in front of a sign with her mouth open. The sign contains a picture of a woman with the…
Notice of a woman suffrage meeting. The state where the meeting was held is not identified, but it was most likely held at the Columbia Theatre in Washington, D.C. Speakers included the Honorable John Barrett, Director General of the Pan American…
News article about the torchlight parade for women's suffrage held in New York City to celebrate women winning the right to vote in four states, including Kansas, Arizona, Michigan, and Oregon.
Article includes a photograph with caption: "Beatrice…
Published from 1883 to 1909 and established by Clara Bewick Colby, the Woman's Tribune was the first daily paper ever produced and edited by a woman. It was published in Beatrice, Nebraska and in Washington, D.C. until Colby moved to Portland, Oregon…