This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a young girl standing in front of a sign with her mouth open. The sign contains a picture of a woman with the…
This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a young girl wearing a sailor suit and smiling as she bangs a gavel on a "Votes for Wimmen" soap box.
This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a young girl crying, standing next to a "Votes for Wimmen" ballot box.
This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a young boy smiling as a girl, wearing a "Votes for Wimmen" sash walks toward him carrying a rose.
This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a girl speaking on a soap box as a boy wearing a sailor suit looks off, smiling. In the background, is a "Votes fur…
This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a girl at the center wearing a "Votes for Wimmen" sash and a large hat, with two girls on either side, wearing…