Photographic portrait of Flora Drummond, also known as General Drummond, of the National Women's Social and Political Union, with the address of the organization.
Flora Drummond was one of the original members of the WSPU and in 1906, became a…
Flier and pledge form to participate in the Torchlight Suffrage March and Mass Meeting held in Worcester, Massachusetts to rally supporters for the upcoming vote on woman suffrage in the November 2, 1915 election. Senator Borah, of Idaho, was…
News article about the torchlight parade for women's suffrage held in New York City to celebrate women winning the right to vote in four states, including Kansas, Arizona, Michigan, and Oregon.
Article includes a photograph with caption: "Beatrice…
"The woman suffragists have taken a leaf out of the book of the United States Army and have set up recruiting stations in New York parks for the coming suffrage parade. The Station shown in the picture is situated in City…
Originally published in McClure's Magazine, Vol. 42, this was a series of humorous illustrations that tell the story of Suzanne, a suffragist, and her efforts to sway him by overexposing him to the anti-suffrage rhetoric of a neighbor, Mrs.…
Reproductions of drawings by John Clubb, William O'Loughlin, Ralph Wilder, and Guy Spencer, originally published in the Rochester Herald, Portland Telegram, Chicago Record Herald, and Omaha World Herald.
Reproductions of drawings by Clifford Berryman, Robert W. Satterfield, and J.H. Donahey, originally published in the Washington Star, Central Press Association, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer.