Autograph book assembled by an unidentified individual. The book includes signatures and dates written directly on the pages and scraps of paper pasted into the book. There are also several pages containing dried flowers.
Leaflet announcing the National American Woman Suffrage Association conference to be held at the Y.M.C.A. Hall in Baltimore, Maryland, with Susan B. Anthony, presiding. The leaflet includes ticket information for the night sessions, the names of…
Reprint of an article from the Albany Evening Journal about the finances of the New York Woman Suffrage Association, including the salaries paid to organizers and legislative workers.
The article was reprinted by the Albany Anti-Suffrage…
This report of the thirty-seventh convention includes the schedule of events, the call to the convention, names of the speakers, minutes from the 1904 convention held in Warren, Ohio, minutes of the suffrage convention, reports from the auxiliary…
Written on National Woman Suffrage Association stationery,
Anthony wrote this letter about the upcoming fortieth anniversary of the woman suffrage movement and the International Council of Women, assembled by the National Woman Suffrage Association…
Written on National American Woman Suffrage Association stationery.
The letter also contains several handwritten notes along the top and in the margin: one relates to another donation that was sent and the other circles the name Jane H. Spofford,…