Response by the Ingham County Equal Suffrage Association to anti-suffrage papers being distributed by saloon keepers and breweries in advance of the April 7, 1913 election. The message was to vote against the woman suffrage question because it would…
Brief statement written by Mrs. W. Winslow (Elizabeth) Crannell refuting the suffrage argument that women voters would work for "prohibitory liquor laws." She reviews Colorado election statistics that appear to demonstrate that very few votes were…
Letter to the editor of the New York Times by author identified only as "E.S.C." The author argues that granting women the right to vote will do nothing to further the enforcement of "legislation aimed at the betterment of the human race," including…
In preparation for the November 3rd referendum, the Ohio Woman Suffrage Association published this flier with statistics on the number of "farm women" and "organized women" in support of suffrage, and a copy of the amendments that would appear on the…
Article on the lobby efforts of the Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) for the Kenyon-Shephard bill, which would prohibit the shipment of alcohol into "dry" states.
The newspaper is not identifed and the year is written on the clipping.
Senator James Martine, of New Jersey presents an article from the District of Columbia Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage presenting with facts on the negative impact of women voters in states where women were granted the right to vote.
Flier issued in New Jersey prior to the October 1915 election where citizens voted on a suffrage referendum. At that point, no eastern state had yet adopted voting rights for women.
The flier features several short articles highlighting pro and…