This card, Number 107, is part of a set of 30 postcards, each containing a message, or aphorism about suffrage. The cards were created by commercial publishing company, The Cargill Company, and were "endorsed and approved by the National American…
Flier and pledge form to participate in the Torchlight Suffrage March and Mass Meeting held in Worcester, Massachusetts to rally supporters for the upcoming vote on woman suffrage in the November 2, 1915 election. Senator Borah, of Idaho, was…
Disputing the anti-suffrage argument that disastorous results would following granting votes to women, Reynolds compares Idaho, which granted suffrage in 1896, and Montana, which did not grant suffrage until 1914.
Brief article about efforts to gain women voters for Woodrow Wilson's presidential campaign in the six woman suffrage states: California, Wyoming, Washington, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho.
The newspaper is not identified. The year is written on the…
British suffragist, Bettina Borrman Wells discusses her three visits to the United States over a period of three years, when she visited areas where women were already enfranchised, including Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Utah.
Reprints the replies to four questions Mary Bentley Thomas asked the Governors of the first four states to grant women the right to vote: Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado. The questions were: Are your women as devoted to house and home interest as…