This card, is part of a twelve-card series, featuring children, illustrated by Indiana artist Cobb Shinn. The illustration features a young girl crying, standing next to a "Votes for Wimmen" ballot box.
This card, Number 4015, is part of a sixteen-card series, featuring attractive women attempting to act as men. In this illustration, the woman appears in an evening gown as the "Generaless of the Army" with the message: "If you were the enemy, would…
Reproductions of drawings by John Clubb, William O'Loughlin, Ralph Wilder, and Guy Spencer, originally published in the Rochester Herald, Portland Telegram, Chicago Record Herald, and Omaha World Herald.
Reproductions of drawings by Clifford Berryman, Robert W. Satterfield, and J.H. Donahey, originally published in the Washington Star, Central Press Association, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer.