Letter to the editor of the New York times by author identified only as "E.S.C." The author attempts to refute the suffragists' argument that taxation without representation is unjust.
The letter was reprinted by the Albany Anti-Suffrage…
Leaflet issued by the New York State Woman Suffrage Party, argues that woman suffrage will benefit the state because women voters will increase the native-born vote, the proportion of educated voters, the law-abiding vote, and the powers of good.
Appeals to businessmen by making the argument that voting for the woman suffrage amendment on November 7th is logical and "good business." The amendment lost in 1916.
The South Dakota Universal Franchise League was organized in 1911 by Mary…
This flier, published by the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies asks and answers several questions, including:
Are women citizens?
Does law concern women?
Is direct representation desirable in the interest of the people?
This cartoon, originally published in Punch Magazine in 1905, depicts a well-dressed woman being addressed by a man, a 'qualified voter', who points out that while she may pay taxes and have responsibilities, she…
Public letter issued by the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women featuring Saunders' argument against House Bill, No. 119, to grant municipal suffrage to taxpaying women in Massachusetts. He sites reasons…