Part of a series of postcards, this card is labeled Suffragette Series No. 94.
The main illustration is a woman scantily dressed in a Red Cross nurse's uniform, holding up a wine glass, next to a very small childish looking man, who is saying…
This card, Number 4003, is part of a sixteen-card series, featuring attractive women attempting to act as men. In this illustration, the woman candidate for Senate appears in an evening gown. She is pointing to a letter that outlines her campaign…
Part of a twelve-card series of full-color lithographic postcards opposing woman suffrage.
This card, labeled Suffragette Series No. 9, features an illustration of well-dress woman wearing a "District Leaderess" ribbon. She is standing next to a…
Ducas argues that women are used by the political parties to get votes, but very few are involved in policy-making, shaping the platform, or take on leadeership positions within the parties for which they campaign.