The Courier-Journal. (Louisville (Ky.) Vol. 131, no. 18,858. August 18, 1920
This issue contains the article: "Vote Delayed On Suffrage / Tennessee house Adjourns Unexpectedly with Both Sides Claiming Victory / Validity Also Target."
In Tennessee, the lower House of the Tennessee legislature adjourned after three hours of debate with a final vote expected the following day. The article discusses the number of votes required to pass the amendment.
In the Tennessee General Assembly there was also a debate on whether or not the legislature has the right to act on ratification at all since a clause of the state constitution provides that in order for the legislature to pass a proposed amendment, the group must have been elected prior to the submission of the amendment by Congress.
Articles on page 4, "Cox Not to Take Hand / No Thought of Going to Tennessee He Says," "Women Want Cox's Aid / Suffragists Renew Efforts to Get Nominee to Tennessee": Summary of National Woman's Party efforts to get Democratic Presidential nominee Governor Cox, of Ohio, to go to Nashville and exert his influence on the Tennessee Legislature to ratify the amendment. Suffragists did not think Governor Cox would do so unless Tennessee Democratic leaders extended him an invitation.
"Suffrage is Held Up / North Carolina Postpones Vote Until 1921 Assembly" regarding the vote in the North Carolina General Assembly to table the amendment until the next regular session in 1921.
In Tennessee, the lower House of the Tennessee legislature adjourned after three hours of debate with a final vote expected the following day. The article discusses the number of votes required to pass the amendment.
In the Tennessee General Assembly there was also a debate on whether or not the legislature has the right to act on ratification at all since a clause of the state constitution provides that in order for the legislature to pass a proposed amendment, the group must have been elected prior to the submission of the amendment by Congress.
Articles on page 4, "Cox Not to Take Hand / No Thought of Going to Tennessee He Says," "Women Want Cox's Aid / Suffragists Renew Efforts to Get Nominee to Tennessee": Summary of National Woman's Party efforts to get Democratic Presidential nominee Governor Cox, of Ohio, to go to Nashville and exert his influence on the Tennessee Legislature to ratify the amendment. Suffragists did not think Governor Cox would do so unless Tennessee Democratic leaders extended him an invitation.
"Suffrage is Held Up / North Carolina Postpones Vote Until 1921 Assembly" regarding the vote in the North Carolina General Assembly to table the amendment until the next regular session in 1921.
Constitutional amendments--Ratification
Cox, James M. (James Middleton), 1870-1957
Frierson, William L., 1868-1953
Jefferson County (Ky.)--Newspapers
Louisville (Ky.)--Newspapers
North Carolina. General Assembly
Tennessee. General Assembly
Walker, Seth M., 1892-1951
Women--Suffrage--North Carolina
Cox, James M. (James Middleton), 1870-1957
Frierson, William L., 1868-1953
Jefferson County (Ky.)--Newspapers
Louisville (Ky.)--Newspapers
North Carolina. General Assembly
Tennessee. General Assembly
Walker, Seth M., 1892-1951
Women--Suffrage--North Carolina
Louisville, Kentucky : Louisville Courier-Journal Print Co.
Louisville, Jefferson, Shelbyville, Kentucky
Original Format
Physical Dimensions
10 p. ; 44 x 58.5 cm.