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  • Tags: Baby

Argues that countries and states where women have the right to vote produce healthier babies and have lower death rates than countries that do not allow women to vote.

The New York State Woman Suffrage Party pulled data from the Children's Bureau…

Mothers Birth Control 1916 Broadside 04.22.2015.tiff
Handbill advertising Margaret Sanger's first clinic in Brooklyn, New York. The text was translated into Yiddish and Italian since the first clinic was opened in a district where many women could not speak or read English.

POST-1914-20 Votes for Women Chalkbord.jpg
This card features a full color illustration of a young girl painting "Give us our rites" on wall. She has also drawn a man hanging from a noose, the Statue of Liberty, and the slogan "Votes for Wimen." Behind her are an overturned baby carriage and…
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