Addresses delivered by Harriot Stanton Blatch, Dr. John Lovejoy Elliot, and Professor Joel E. Spingarn. John Lovejoy Elliot was the founder of Hudson Guild Settlement House and ethical society leader. Joel Elias Spingarn was a university professor,…
Issued by the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women, this pamphlet includes a brief synopsis of a conference held on April 9, 1907 at Cooper Institute in NewYork; reprints of letters written to similar associations, letters to and from Governor…
Purple, green and white celluloid pinback button with the slogan "Votes for Women" printed in gold. This button was most likely distributed by the Women's Political Union, founded by Harriot Stanton Blatch. The WPU adopted the same colors as the…
Purple, green, and white pinback button with the logo for the Women's Political Union of New York. Founded by Harriot Stanton Blatch, the WPU adopted the same colors as the British Women's Social and Political Union.
The letter references recent activity in Pennsylvania toward woman suffrage and requests a resolution be added to the New York democratic platform advocating for a constitutional amendment granting women the right to vote.