Part of a series of postcards, labeled No. 2026. This card features a cartoon illustration of two scantily dressed women seated on a beach as a large man, smoking a cigarette and holding a cane, walks by them.
Cartoon illustration of a short man standing in a barrel in shock as a woman walks by. She is wearing pants and a large hat, carrying a golf club, and smoking.
Part of a series of postcards, this card is labeled Series 512. The color illustration shows a man seated on a stool, smoking a pipe with a baby on his knee and two children playing on the floor. There is a book on the floor entitled "How to take…
This card features a full color illustration of a girl wearing a "Votes for Wimmen" sash, seated in a chair with her feet up on the table, and smoking a chocolate cigar.
Full color cartoon published in Puck Magazine, a weekly humor magazine first published in 1871 until 1918. This page has been removed from the original issue.
Caption: "For the benefit of those ladies who ask the right to smoke in…