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  • Tags: Poverty

PERI-1918-01-1 What Women Will Do p409.jpg
Article suggests that if women receive the right to vote, they will use it thoughtfully to help undernourished and impoverished children

PERI-1913-16-1 Argument For.jpg
News article about a speech made by Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale at the First Congregational Church in Bay City, Michigan. The article emphasizes her statements regarding anti-suffrage organization.

The second article is part of a statement by…

PERI-1913-15 Whats the Reason.jpg
Cartoon by artist, McDonald depicting unfair wages and conditions for working women.

Published by the French Union for Woman Suffrage, this is an illustration of women in line to cast their ballots at a polling station. The woman at the front is inserting her ballot into the box. Behind her is a woman holding a baby, followed by…

Flier addresses working women and encourages them to unite for votes for women to ensure better working and living conditions. The title may be a reference to author Rheta Childe Dorr's, "What 8,000,000 Women Want."
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