This issue includes the articles:
"Suffs Set back in Two States/ North Carolina Senate Votes to Defer Matter until Session of 1921/ Tennessee is Wavering/Adjournment of Lower House Prevents Final Action and Antis Claim Victory"
This issue contains the article: "Suffrage is in Danger / House in Tennessee postpones action/ North Carolina Senators Decide to Set the Matter Over Until 1921 / Supporters are Blaming the 'Weak-Kneed' Members for this Result."
This issue of the Dallas Morning News contains the article, "Suffragist Hopes Gone Glimmering / Only Miracle Seems Able to save Situation in Tennessee Legislature"
The author asserts that with North Carolina Senate postponing a vote on the…
This issue contains the article: "Vote Delayed On Suffrage / Tennessee house Adjourns Unexpectedly with Both Sides Claiming Victory / Validity Also Target."
In Tennessee, the lower House of the Tennessee legislature adjourned after three hours of…
This issue contains the article: "Tennessee Vote Last Suffrage Chance for Year / Final action, Probable Today, Prevented Yesterday by Unexpected Adjournment / Winning Side Likely to Get at Least 50 votes / North Carolina Senate Postpones Settlement…