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  • Tags: Ethics

Annual report of the Third Judicial District of the New York State Association Oppossed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women includes a summary of activities and a list of where letters and leaflets were sent throughout the year.

Reprint of an article from the Albany Evening Journal about women's suffrage in Colorado. The author quotes from an article in the Pittsburgh Chronicle questioning the ethics of women voters.

Most likely reprinted for distribution by the Women's…

James H. Fairchild was the third president of Oberlin College from 1866 until he retired in 1889. Fairchild was an abolitionist and argued for social reforms including temperance and coeducation of the sexes. He did not support woman's right to…

"This document, accompanied by an earnest protest from American remonstrants against Woman Suffrage, was laid before the British Parliament in March, 1893."

This was an excerpt from the author's, "Appendix to 'A Woman's Philosophy of Love.'" The…
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