Frances Squire Potter, author, educator and lecturer, refutes two common anti-suffrage arguments. The first, that equal suffrage is not a pressing need, to which she answers that granting women's suffrage will make addressing other issues "easier and…
Reprinted "from an Article in the American Woman's Journal for May, 1894."
The author argues against women's suffrage, writing that woman's power and influence is in the home and through her family, and claiming the ballot "would be a hindrance"…
Reprint of a letter from by artist, Helena de Kay Gilder comments on the women's suffrage movement and argues against women's right to vote due to the natural inequality between men and women.
"Reprinted from the Popular science monthly for Oct., 1888."
Reprint of an article written by Edward Drinker Cope. Cope was a paleontologist and anatomist, who studied evolution. In this article, Cope argues that America needs to restrict rather…