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Black and white advertisement for Lewis Union Suits with a headshot of suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and her personal review of the product, published by the Lewis Knitting Company in Munsey's Magazine.

Black and white advertisement for Fairbanks "Fairy Soap, " with a headshot of suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and her personal review of the product, published by the NK Fairbank Company

Advertisement for the Ethyl Corporation featuring a scene from a suffrage demonstration, that ran in The Saturday Evening Post.

POST-1880-02-1 Stove Polish front.jpg
Trade card advertisement for "Woman's Suffrage Stove Polish." The illustration on the recto is a color lithograph of a well-dressed young woman seated with her arms crossed on the arm of a sofa.

The verso contains the advertisement with its…

POST-1880-01 Fleischmanns Yeast.jpg
Trade card advertisement for Fleischmann's Yeast. This card shows three women casting their ballots into a ballot box. The verso contains directions for use and several recipes.

PERI-1914-03 Votes for Women Kellogs Ad.JPG
Advertisement for Kellogg's toasted corn flakes features a parade of young girls carrying boxes of toasted corn flakes as though they were placards. The slogan "Votes for Women" is along the top and along the bottom is a message signed by W.K.…

Made a connection between women's political progress and electrical progress and encouraged women to purchase small electrical appliances.

This may have been published in The Century magazine. On the reverse of the advertisement is an…

PERI-1913-21- Literary Digest Life Ad.jpg
Advertisement and call for contributions for an upcoming pro-suffrage issue of Life Magazine.

Cardboard advertisement for Sapolio cleaner;
One side contains information about Sapolio and its uses. Among the slogans on the bottom half is this one: "A suffragette is Mrs. Brown Who's cleaning up in Spotless Town. When she discovers wrongs to…

ALMS-1882-01-1 Bigelow Garden Concert Program.jpg
The concert appears to be a rally for General Benjamin Butler, a Civil War general, lawyer, and politician, during his run for Governor of Massachusetts.

The programme list includes: "the woman's suffrage plank the best in the platform. Equal…
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